Difficulty getting outer front edge

Hi there. I’m trying to teach myself artistic skating as can’t access rinks/lessons as we are still in lockdown here in Melbourne, Australia. I have noticed that when I try and do an outside front edge, that even though the skate turns ok in this direction that my foot seems to want to counter the lean and instead of feel8ng pressure only on the outside I begin to feel it on the inner front part of the foot. It feels like a battle between the outer and inner part of my foot. I have tried bending knee out a bit more so my knee is over my little toe. I have tried to relax. But I still feel this tension. Is this normal?


  • Probably your body not leaning to the side, over the edge enough. It tends to happen when for example, someone is trying a right outer forward edge, but their body leans to the left instead, it's called double leaning.

  • Wow! There’s an actual name for it! Thank you. I will double check next time to ensure my body is in the right position.

  • Yeah it happens all the time, if you're ever curious about names for artistic stuff check the USARS integrated figure dictionary/technical manual. A good trick to help the correct lean is let's say you're trying to go right but your body is leaning left, stretch the left rib cage (feel the left side stretch) and drop your right ear to your shoulder like you're pouring water down on the floor from your right ear!

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