Fitness Training / Lower Back Pain / Stretching


So in rush of blood to the head, I've rejoined my speed skating team (about 5 years since I was last there - broken arm and nerve problems) and I'm suffering. Mostly physical pain but the indignantly of being passed by a the 8-10 years old is almost too much to take (and I mean that in the nicest possible way)

The initial 5 minutes are good, then my lower back complains really loudly for about 20-25 minutes and then sort of settles down,

I suspect I need to do some more core work and take a bit of longer term interest in yoga or pilates.

The worst part is that a hour or so of training makes the following day even more painful as all the tightness creeps in.



  • Very simple, cheap, anywhere possible 》planking.

    From The Netherlands

  • Wow. That sounds so similar, but also different to something I used to experience. This happened I think in 2011, when I was skating a lot at Fountain Valley. (indoor rink skating) I start skating, for about 5-10 minutes. I'd get horrible pain in the feet.... and I think in the calf area too. I'd sit for a song or two, drink some water, and rest. I'd get up to skate again, the pain is now half or less, and as I skate, things..... even out? The lessor pain would linger, but lessen, and I's skate for 2 hours.

    The one thing this always made me think of was running. IE, starting out too fast on more of an endurance race. If you did this, you would get into a.... what was it called.... aerobic deficit. You put too much demand too fast, and the body can't quite catch up. This seemed to track with what I had to do to alleviate the situation. Start skating, wait for the muscles to hurt, sit for a bit as the muscles, I dunno, got to pump blood, oxygenate the muscle. Or, put another way, warm up.

    So.... maybe your body needs a wakeup call, a warm up, a little rest, and then continue on with the bulk of the actiity.

  • If your body has changed, then you may not be suitable for professional roller skating.

    Body is the most important.

  • The Body knows best. Time to hang up the speed skates? More core exercises, relax the upper body when skating. My back still hurts but I do not speed skate.

    Hear the Heartbeat of Another Before Your Own and then Pass Them😎

    That Sensitive Moment Passing a Depleted Electric Scooter/Bicycle that Blew By You Earlier🤤

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