Old vs new super deluxe plate

Is the boot to plate sizing chart the same for the older super deluxe to the new super deluxe? Seems the new lighter plate has me going up a size on my plate. Right now I have a Riedell 220 51/2 on a 6 plate old model. Thanks.


  • Don't pay much attention to that chart. Get the same wheelbase as your your old plates. But here is an older chart. Ladies boot size I'm guessing?? Makes a difference.

    Riedell boot size - Snyder plates crop.jpg
    906 x 1516 - 731K
  • Yea a ladies boot. Crazy my 51/2 boot is the only size recommended for a size 6 plate. Thanks for that chart with the wheel bases on it. Makes it a lot easier for me. 😁

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